Monday, June 6, 2011

The Adventure Begins

Hello, I have finally made it to the blog!!  *Thank you, four internet readers that have patiently and eagerly awaited my first entry.  I know you have been hanging on the edge of your seat, and will try to make it worth two minutes of your day.  Of course, I'm a little backlogged, so bear with me as we catch up together.  

For the future reader that has no idea what I'm talking about:

As a graduation gift to myself, I decided to take the summer off work and travel the U.S. in search of long-lost family and friends, ghosts, and delicious meals.  This blog is meant to chronicle the adventure, and let people back home in New York keep track, in case my car dies in New Orleans and I am eaten by alligators.

....where the f#$% am I again??  I surely have this look often.

Thanks for following, and I PROMISE to have some tales about ghost-hunting and over-eating in Cape May, NJ through Wilmington, NC up soon.  But right now I have to haul ass to Georgia.  So go back to work.


*A HUGE thank you to my cousin John who not only has allowed me to wear out my welcome at his home in Raleigh, NC, but in addition, magically fixed my laptop.


John said...

It was great to see you Abby! We look forward to reading about your spooky foody travels, and your eventual migration to NC after realizing that everywhere else isn't quite as good (no offence... everybody).

Anonymous said...

YEEEAAAA, I'm with John,...let's ALL move to NC!!! Can't wait to hear more about your travels Abby, AND don't forget to include any spooky-cooly-warmy-neverbeentastedb4 drinks!!!!

abby harmony said...

Haha, apparently everyone loves NC, and honestly, I can't blame y'all (too southern?)

Don't worry Cari, there's a ton of food and spooks coming!